Saturday, May 22, 2010

McDonalds a Huge McLoser?

A resounding 'Yes'!! This post is an unfortunate follow up to a past post, Cracking the Egg Industry. I was alerted by a friend about this and also read in this article from Tree Hugger (and don't let the very liberal source scare anyone off, this was also reported in the NY times, AOL news, etc.), explaining that McDonald's board of directors has rejected a request from the Humane Society to purchase a mere 5% of it's eggs for it's North American operations from cage free facilities!

Taking into consideration that to stay in compliance with the E.U.'s ban on battery cages McDonald's has committed to going 100% cage free by the end of this year for all of it's European operations, the Humane Society issued a plea to McDonald's to switch just 5% of their egg use to eggs from cage free hens for their U.S. operations. This April McDonald's board of directors rejected the request and is urging it's share holders to also vote against the proposal. As reported in the NY Times' Green, Inc. blog, McDonald's is claiming there isn't enough scientific backing to make the switch:
“As we have examined this issue over the years, we have determined that there is no agreement in the global scientific community about how to balance the advantages and disadvantages of laying hen housing systems, it said in a proxy statement.

So, unfortunately it looks like, fueled most probably with profits in mind, McDonald's will not make the switch to cage free eggs in the near future. I am sure at some point they will have to, either from consumer and animal welfare association pressure, or at least make some adjustments to stay in compliance with Prop 2, which mandates all factory farm hens in battery cages have the space enough to turn around and spread their wings by 2015.

So if you absolutely cannot live without your Egg Mc Muffin or Mc Griddle in the a.m., at least consider signing this petition asking them to use eggs from cage free hens. Or if you can't break the fast food chain altogether, and I know for any true McDonald's junkie this may be unthinkable, consider patronizing one of the other companies who have made the applauded commitment to use cage free eggs. Carl's Junior, Wendy's and Burger King all use cage free eggs in the U.S.

Ok McDonalds let's make it a real 'happy meal' and go cage free!